Category Archives: Ears to the Ground

Ears to the Ground: what’s hot for Involve Trustee Board members

‘Ears to the Ground’ is a new quarterly feature that we will be posting here on the Involve Yorkshire & Humber blog. Our trustees represent our membership and they are an experienced and sharp bunch of people! So we know that what’s pressing their button will be of interest to you. At each board meeting, we’re asking for their ‘hot topic’, so that we can share it with our wider readership. We hope this new feature will be informative, sometimes fun, and always useful for its finger on the pulse. We’d be interested to hear your comments. If you want to take anything further, join in the discussion or hear more about about an Ears to the Ground topic, please post your comments in the box below. This blog lists Ears to the Ground topics raised at the July 2013 Involve Yorkshire & Humber Trustee Board meeting. Continue reading

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