Involve Yorkshire & Humber advertises jobs that are within, or relevant to, the voluntary and community sector in Yorkshire and the Humber.
This service is free for members of Involve Yorkshire & Humber and £25 per advert for non-members.
Pay: Voluntary, expenses refunded
Hours: Weekly commitment
Pay: £109.59 Training Allowance per week
Hours: 3 days per week
Closing date: 5pm Thursday 20 June 2013
Pay: £110 training allowance per week
Hours: 37 hours per week
Closing date: 5pm Thursday 20 June 2013
Pay: travel expenses
Hours: 3 days per week
Closing date: 5pm Thursday 20 June 2013
Pay: £16,055 - £16,441 pro rata
Hours: 20 hours per week. Temporary appointment until October 2013
Closing date: 9am Monday 24 June 2013
Pay: £27,849 - £30,011
Hours: 37 hours per week. Fixed Term / Secondments for up to 11 months to cover secondments
Closing date: Friday 5 July 2013
Pay: £19,621 - £21,519 pro rata
Hours: 1x 37 hours; 1x 18.5 hours
Closing date: 4pm Friday 5 July 2013. Interviews Tuesday 6 August
Pay: £19,621 - £21,519
Hours: 37 hours per week. Fixed term of one year, with the possibility of being extended
Closing date: Friday 12 July 2013. Interviews Thursday 1 August