Update on Open Public Services White Paper, April 2012

Cabinet Office has published a progress update on the Open Public Services White Paper - OPS 2012.

The document outlines how the coalition Government is seeking to change the principles of public services including education, health, police and welfare. It says that anyone serving the public in their work should be viewed as public servants including independent trusts, mutuals, private enterprise, social enterprise and community groups.

Key announcements include:

  • government departments will  report on progress against the Open Public Services White Paper priorities as part of their business plans with immediate effect;

  • an Independent Review into the barriers to choice and a ‘You have the right to choose' campaign. This will include a Call to Evidence to get views on the value of enshrining a right to choice in legislation;

  • creation of a network of Choice Champions  to promote choice and provide independent scrutiny and challenge to commissioners and providers of public service;

  • a Commissioning Academy will be established to develop the skills of commissioners to engage better with suppliers and to understand outcomes-based procurement;

  • a new Right to Provide - empowering employees to form public service mutuals and to bid or request to take over the services they deliver;

  • a consultation in May on how to make it easier to set up and create neighbourhood councils that would help citizens to play a bigger role in the design and delivery of services. 

  • work will be undertaken with the LGA and the National Association of Local Councils to clarify what powers can be devolved to neighbourhoods, the kinds of assets that can best be managed at community level, and the roles and responsibilities of Neighbourhood Councils and local authorities

Read Involve Yorkshire & Humber's response to the consultation on the White Paper

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